Simply explained:
It’s a cosmetic procedure (sometimes medical) that uses colour pigments to enhance features such as eyebrows, hairlines, lips, scars, eyes and more. Micropigmentation is suitable for both men and women.

Micropigmentation, also known as permanent make-up, permanent cosmetics or cosmetic tattooing, is a cosmetic procedure used to enhance or replace lost skin colour. Micropigmentation is most commonly used on the face – to highlight eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids (as eyeliner) and lips.

Pigmentation disorders in the form of age spots are particularly unpopular, as the superficial discolouration can spread over large areas of the skin and therefore appear very conspicuous. Many women and men are therefore looking for ways to get rid of these annoying spots as quickly and easily as possible.

Remove pigment spots with creams, peelings & co

In addition to home remedies, there is now also a wide range of peelings and creams that are supposed to help against pigmentation spots. However, it is particularly important to find ways to prevent them. You can do this by using sun protection in summer. Most types of pigmentation spots are caused by UV radiation.

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